- czwartek, grudnia 19, 2013
Swieta za pasem wiec czas na pakowanie prezentow! w tym roku zostaje w Glasgow i bede je spedzac z ukochana mi osoba ( a oto przeciez chodzi ), z rodzina w Polsce zloze sobie zyczenia przez skype ( jak w filmie Szczesliwego Nowego Jorku hihi )
W tym roku wybralam zwykly brazowy papier i postawilam na graficzne elementy dekoracyjne, wszystko zachowane w minimalistycznej formie
Christmas is coming.... unfortunatelly this year I'm not spending it with my family in Poland. This year I'm in Glasgow, but with the person I love :)
I chose oridinary brown paper and decided to use stamps and colour strings to create wrapping in tune with christmas vibe. Its not the end of Christmas gifts wrapping, there's still more to come ...
to create polka dot paper i have used pencil with round rubber and ink pad
I love how the dots are all different and irregular / at the end I added sentence using black marker / it's not perfect and I'm not very good at caligraphy but I'm still learning
- środa, grudnia 18, 2013
The 3D technology is booming this year! you can see it everywhere, now even on the Victoria's Secret model Lindsay Ellingson. The printed lingerie outfit including corset, wings and a hat each made of hundreds of snowflakes . Outfit was printed by shapeways in lightweight nylon and coated with milions of Swarovski crystals.
W tym roku technologia 3D jest obecna wszedzie! nawet na pokazie Victoria's Secret, modelka Lindsay Ellington jest ubrana w gorset, skrzydla oraz nakrycie glowy wykonane z tysiecy malych drukowanych platkow sniegu, ktore sa pokryte krysztalkami Swarovskiego. Caly stroj zostal wykonany z lekkiego nylonu ( nylon-syntetyczne polimery z grupa amidowa, ktore sluza do wytwarzania wlokien syntetycznych o bardzo duzej wytrzymalosci na rozciaganie, stosowany glownie do dzianin, tkanin...)
all images by shapeways
- czwartek, grudnia 12, 2013
Paper is an iPad app created by fifty three where you can sketch, draw, write, outline and colour. It also enables you to blend using your fingers or zoom in for more precision and detailing while drawing.
Paper is an award winning sketchbook app ! after two years of research 53 released Pencil.
Pencil unlocks new features and enables new types of creation.
When connected, the app rejects palm movements against the tablet, allowing users to draw smoothly - just as they would if they were holding a pencil, pen, or paintbrush.
Pencil comes in two different finishes - walnut or graphite.
I think Paper + Pencil is a great alternative for active people to draw, paint on the go... and also a fantastic gift for christmas
more information on www.fiftythree.com
- wtorek, grudnia 03, 2013